France, severed finger handed to Macron ahead of national holiday

A shocking discovery that heightens tensions on the Elysée and which in other ways embarrasses Emmanuel Macron. A piece of a severed human finger was found in an envelope received in the mail from the Elysée via the regular postal service. Several French media have relaunched the news of the macabre discovery in the Presidency of the Republic, specifying that it is a leak, as the information was kept hidden for a few days. According to the ‘Valeurs actuelles’ website, the macabre discovery dates back to the night between Sunday 9th and Monday 10th of July. According to the testimony of an anonymous security source, “the piece of finger was stored in the refrigerator, the same one where the police leave their lunch boxes. There is no written record and it had to stay off the record». The severed finger was later recovered by police officers and an investigation was opened for “threat of crime or crime against elected official”.

The Paris Public Prosecutor’s Office is carrying out the investigations entrusted to the police and, according to the first elements of the investigation, the amputated phalanx would belong to the author of the letter, identified by the forces of order, who would be suffering from psychiatric disorders. An embarrassing ‘revelation’ in any case – also because it should have been hidden – even on the eve of the celebrations of the 14th of July, the National Day of France this year with a high risk of chaos, which will take place amidst enormous security measures, with the same device was installed in the camp during the disturbances after the death of Nahel, 17 years old, of North African origin, on 27 June. On the subject, so far Eliseu has not released any official comment. For days, France harshly repressed protests in the suburbs of many cities that resulted in looting and riots, until the assault on the home of a mayor of the Paris region who risked being lynched and set on fire.

Source: IL Tempo
