A video that has surfaced on the web shows a Russian officer captured by the Ukrainians illustrating the positions of Moscow soldiers on the left bank of the Dnipro River on a map. According to the Russian channel Telegram Gray Zone, it must be Major Tomov, commander of the Russian battalion 1822, who disappeared a few days ago, probably captured during a raid by Ukrainian special forces that took Vladimir Putin’s troops by surprise. The story is told by the Kyiv Post website, which explains how the footage in the video has not been independently verified.
According to the American think tank Institute for the study of war, the Ukrainians carried out an attack on August 8 on the left bank of the Dnipro River, where they landed in seven boats with 6 to 7 people each, near the Kozachi Laheri area, and penetrated 800 meters beyond the Russian defense lines. One of the best successes of the Kiev counter-offensive against Russian forces.
Source: IL Tempo
John Cameron is a journalist at The Nation View specializing in world news and current events, particularly in international politics and diplomacy. With expertise in international relations, he covers a range of topics including conflicts, politics and economic trends.