It was Ukrainian forces that launched attacks on the Crimean bridge on October 8 and last month. This was the first time officially confirmed by the Civil Security Service (SBU) of Ukraine. CNN only obtained video of the July attack from the SBU, in which the first drone filled with 850 kilos of explosives approached the direct hit and a second drone advanced towards the rail side of the bridge.
SBU chief Vasyl Maliuk told CNN that the July attack was carried out with experimental naval drones (“Sea Babies”) and others would follow.
The infrastructure connects the Moscow-annexed peninsula to Russian territory and has repeatedly been the target of attacks. While the opening of the bridge, which is approximately 19 km long, was made by Russian President Vladimir Putin in 2019, the part where railway transportation was provided was opened two years later.
Explosion moment: video
Built after the annexation of Crimea to Russia, it has an important symbolic value, and it also has strategic importance for the supply of Russian troops participating in the conflicts in the south of Ukraine.
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Source: Today IT
Karen Clayton is a seasoned journalist and author at The Nation Update, with a focus on world news and current events. She has a background in international relations, which gives her a deep understanding of the political, economic and social factors that shape the global landscape. She writes about a wide range of topics, including conflicts, political upheavals, and economic trends, as well as humanitarian crisis and human rights issues.