A new video by Yevgeny Prigozhin was released on the Telegram channel Gray Zone, according to which the leader of the mercenary company Wagner is in Africa. “We are working. Temperature +50°. Everything we love. The Wagner group conducts reconnaissance and research. It makes Russia even greater on all continents! And Africa even more free. Justice and happiness for African peoples Nightmare Isis, Al -Qaeda and other gangsters. We will hire real heroes and continue to fulfill the tasks we have set ourselves.” in the ongoing coup in Niger.
Prigozhin changed his helmet for a “panama” hat and appeared with his first video, saying he was in Africa.
He says that he needs fresh meat from “bogatyrs”. pic.twitter.com/F0I3MXf7Do
— Citizen of the World (@ilmondoedititutti) August 21, 2023
As the Associated Press reports, which however claims it cannot verify the authenticity of Progozhin’s latest video, posts on Russian social media channels indicate that the mercenary leader has started announcing his recruitment to the Wagner Group again since he organized the mutiny against officers. defense in Russia. . On Telegram, Progozhin and other men believed to be close to him reported that Wagner “is hiring personnel”, “real strong men” to “operate in Africa on behalf of Russia.
Source: IL Tempo
John Cameron is a journalist at The Nation View specializing in world news and current events, particularly in international politics and diplomacy. With expertise in international relations, he covers a range of topics including conflicts, politics and economic trends.