The new legal process that puts the negro waiter in jail

A new judicial process recently brought Waiter Ricardo Martínez Gutiérrez, aka “Negro Waiter”, to prison, following the recent results of the operation carried out by the Metropolitan Police of Barranquilla against the criminal structure of the “Rastrojos-Costeños”, of which he makes share as a leader.

General Jorge Urquijo, commander of the armed institution, reported that Ober in Popayán Prison, Cauca, had been charged with aggravated criminal conspiracy and aggravated extortion, the same crimes for which 18 members of this structure were imprisoned, including Eliany del Carmen Garizao Solórzano, alias Eliany, financial head of the organization, and Mayger Borré Martínez, alias ‘Hijo Borré’, and in fact son of Juan Manuel Borré Barreto, alias Pistón, former member of the formidable AUC and founder of the ‘Rastrojos-Coastal’ .

Among the judicial reports, according to the police, Kevin Rafael Domínguez Romero, aka “Kevin Cara Cortada”, the so-called “Terror of the Villas de Soledad”, was also accused of his harassment of traders, door-to-door dairy sellers, newspapers, retailers and even pay company employees to charge them an extortion fee in the area of ​​Las Villas in the municipality of Soledad.

According to the records of the authorities, Ober Ricardo Martínez has in his criminal history records of trafficking and possession of firearms (2), trafficking or possession of narcotics (1), conspiracy to commit serious crimes for extortion (1), threats (1). ) and murder (1).

But perhaps its terrifying power was mirrored in 2022 after the attacks on public transport drivers and bus operators in Barranquilla and the metropolitan area, which left three dead, and the mutilation of a young man who apparently carried some of his “puppies” in brought confusion. ‘ with a member of ‘los Costeños’, the terrifying structure headed by Jorge Eliécer Díaz Collazos, aka Castor.

Source: El heraldo
