From victim to perpetrator: cobradiario reported motorcycle theft and ended up in prison

The 13th Municipal Criminal Court with Guarantee Control Functions of Barranquilla accepted the position of the 11th Specialized Homicide Prosecutor, Adolfo Niebles Torres, and ordered the transfer to prison of William Alexander Torres Sotelo, a man of profession involved in the murder of Jhoimer Gabriel Villalba Jiménez , 27, which took place on August 14 in the Las Malvinas neighborhood.

The death of Villalba Jiménez and the arrest of Torres Sotelo were reported by the Metropolitan Police at the time, but in the background the motives for the attack that took place at the home of the fatal victim, located on 93rd Street with race 7H , around 2:43 a.m. in the morning of that Monday.

In this sense, after the investigation of prosecutor Niebles Torres and members of the Sijín, it was established that everything began on the night of Sunday, August 13, when the collector Torres Sotelo reported the theft of his motorcycle to the police and Thanks to the support of the authority, today he managed to locate her in the residence of the deceased.

Subsequently, with the presence of the uniformed men, Torres managed to recover the motorcycle and at that time he also tried to attack with a firearm the people who were inside the house, including the alleged thief.

“The man arrested today was removed by the national police from the place where the motorcycle was recovered and, not being satisfied with it, returned on Monday the 14th around 3 a.m. in the company of other people, with a firearm in hand and activate against the occupants of the building, where the motorcycle was found, where it hit the victim and he fled in the company of other people,” the investigative body said in the indictment against Torres Sotelo.

The prosecutor also referred to the fact that the deceased was helped today, but he arrived at the care center without vital signs.

The collector was charged with murder with aggravation and manufacturing, trafficking and possession of firearms and ammunition, which he did not accept. Following that decision, a preventive detention measure was imposed on him in a prison, to be carried out in the men’s prison of the El Bosque de Barranquilla district.

Source: El heraldo
