France closes borders to stop immigrants from Italy

France decided to increase controls on the Italian border, especially in the Ventimiglia region, to prevent irregular crossings of immigrants. Helicopters were sent to the border, and even anti-terrorism personnel were mobilized. In Sospel, it can be seen on some vehicles with the inscription “Mission Vigipirate” (VIGIlance et Protection des Installations contre les Risques d’Attentat Terroriste à l’Explosif, meaning surveillance and protection of services against the risk of explosive terrorist attacks) and was designed in 1978 by President Valéry Giscard d’ Reference to a security plan created by Estaing and subsequently revised in 1995, 2000 and 2004. The helicopter instead flies over the area between Ponte San and the Italian-French border. Ludovico and upriver, San Luigi in Ventimiglia. Viewing from above serves to more easily identify any transitions.

After the new crisis broke out in Lampedusa and brought thousands of people to the island of Sicily, French authorities intensified controls on the Val Roya side, which is their jurisdiction, against the possibility of immigrants coming through the roads connecting the two islands. Nations. Inspections on trains have been strengthened not only on the Ventimiglia-Nice route, but also on the Ventimiglia-Cuneo and Breil-Nice lines. Paris Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin met with his counterpart Matteo Piantedosi in Rome yesterday to discuss how we can help our country. Emmanuel Macron’s France has pledged solidarity but also made clear that it will not accept irregular migrants, at least not asylum seekers who have gained refugee status.

Despite the increased checks at the border, the situation now appears normal and the scenes of people blocked in the streets seen during the crisis in the summer of 2015 are a far cry. “I think despite the strengthening in France, migrants continue to pass through the Checks one by one. The fact that you don’t see thousands of people camped in Ventimiglia when the train station was occupied by refugees in the summer of 2015 shows this. “It seems to me that the French government’s contention is that “I think it is more meaningful in terms of media to reassure citizens, but in practice it is impossible to stop immigrants,” he said.

Meanwhile, work has begun to establish an identification center in Ventimiglia, on the French side of the Ponte San Ludovico border, where Paris authorities will evaluate the legal status and asylum requests of immigrants. Menton mayor Yves Juhel stated in a memo that “to cope with the announced influx of irregular migrants, municipal land next to the border post and border police services may be made available to State and Civil services.” Protection”. A transitional status that allows adult migrants who wish to enter France without a residence permit to be administratively managed so that their requests can be assessed. If rejected, they will be taken back to the Italian border.

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Source: Today IT
