Wounds, mutilates, injures, hits, burns, cuts, pierces, shoots, removes limbs, destroys, alters limbs or organs, kills, fights alive, tortures, uses for work, deforms, peels, plucks alive, poisons, stuns, captures , Burying alive, imprisoning, drowning, stimulating, anesthetizing, promoting cruelty, abandonment, not being present in their old age, illness and pallor, depriving them of their livelihood, experimenting, hurting, trampling, are acts that constitute animal cruelty.
However, authorities say there are other factors that are still important to researchers and are depriving the animals of shelter. “It is not just about having them, but they are deprived of shelter, food, air, water, light, exercise, hygiene, smoke, adequate space and cleanliness, among other things. So all these acts, if committed, constitute animal abuse and can be punished,” said Juan Miguel Torres, Coordinating Prosecutor of the Gelma Unit. According to the Public Prosecution Service, the law contemplates custodial sentences of 12 to 36 months, and if there is an aggravating circumstance, that sentence will increase; in addition to receiving fines of five to sixty current legal minimum wages per month and the suspension of fundamental rights related to animals.
Source: El heraldo

John Cameron is a journalist at The Nation View specializing in world news and current events, particularly in international politics and diplomacy. With expertise in international relations, he covers a range of topics including conflicts, politics and economic trends.