Ukraine, intelligence prediction pales in comparison: “The war will last years”

Russia appears to be preparing for several more years of fighting in Ukraine. The analysis comes from British intelligence, in the daily report on the evolution of the war triggered by the invasion of Moscow, released by the Ministry of Defense in London and in which “suggests that Russian defense spending should increase to around 30% of total expenditure public in 2024”. «The Ministry proposes a defense budget of 10,800 billion rubles, equivalent to approximately 6% of GDP and with an increase of 68% compared to 2023», we read further.

“It is very likely – it is written in the secret service report – that Moscow will be able to sustain this level of defense spending until 2024, but only at the expense of the economy in general.” While it is true that “all details regarding Russian defense spending are always confidential”, he recalls, it is also clear that “these numbers suggest that Russia is preparing for many more years of fighting in Ukraine”. Finally, the report recalls that this data comes after the statements “with which the Minister of Defense, Sergei Shoigu, on September 27, implied that he was prepared for an extension of the conflict until 2025”. The signs are of a war that has been going on for years, with no imminent peace.

Source: IL Tempo
