Putin’s secrets accidentally revealed by Moscow municipality

An investigative site has reported that Russian officials mistakenly believe that the country’s Moscow and St. He revealed that he had uncovered the addresses of secret buildings, institutions and spy houses in St. Petersburg. The File Center is talking about a project initiated by Russian dissident Mikhail Khodorkovsky, who found the addresses in the 434-page document titled “Special Group” published on the website of the Moscow City Hall. The features listed are those that should be “power outage free”. The site reported that the list includes a number of top-secret government facilities, including houses belonging to the GRU (main directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation) and President Vladimir Putin’s secret services. An ammunition depot and other structures of essential importance are also reported.

state secrets

The document was signed by Vyacheslav Torsunov, head of the housing and communal services department, and Andrey Kovalev, director of the Mosenergosbyt company that sells electricity to subscribers in the Moscow region. The text will also be approved by Moscow Mayor Sergey Sobyanin. “The document systematizes information about all military units, institutions and organizations of the Ministry of Defense stationed in Moscow and shows at what addresses certain units are located,” the File Center said on its website. “Many of these places are already known, but no one, except the Moscow mayor’s office, has made public a single, even official record,” the opposition website explains. The list also includes two apartments linked to the Russian foreign intelligence service, where employees of the department lived or were used to conduct special operations. According to the File Center, details are revealed in the text about the buildings that should be considered a state secret according to the law. American newspaper news week He contacted the Russian Foreign Ministry via email for comment but has not yet received a response.

spy park

Most of the mentioned structures and buildings are located in Serebryany Bor, a large natural park area in the northwest of the Russian capital, especially in the Khoroshevo-Mnevniki region. The research site claims that Russian elite leaders, including Russian Orthodox Church head Kirill Gundyaev (Patriarch Kirill), Vagit Alekperov, Yuri Trutnev, Vladimir Yevtushenkov and Igor Sechin, have homes in this region. It’s no secret that both the wealthy and law enforcement officers own property in these areas, according to the File Center. The document, approved by Sobyanin, reveals the connection between the park buildings and intelligence or counterintelligence.

In the heart of Moscow

In particular, the File Center also mentions a small building on Leningrad Boulevard, built in the “revolutionary year of 1917”, with an area of ​​\u200b\u200bjust under 500 square meters, without any signs on the door. The building is registered in military unit 28178, “Thanks to documents from the mayor’s office, it is known that foreign secret services are established here,” which shows how connected the building is to Russia’s foreign intelligence service. The opposition site tried to search for various structures via Google Maps, but in the images you can barely see the structures, which are covered with vegetation and protected by gates. Independent Russian news agency Meduza reported that the document is not currently available.

Source: Today IT
