To perform the duties of buildwhich will take place in Starr County, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) will exempt compliance with more than twenty laws, including regulations related thereto environmental protectionpublic health and cultural preservation.
This decision was criticized by the environmental organization Center for Biological Diversity, who assured that it is the first time that the government democrat uses his power to skip these kinds of laws.
“Is discouraging to see President (Joe) Biden stoop to this level, apart from the environmental laws our nation’s fundamental rights to build ineffective border walls that destroy wildlife,” he said in a statement Laiken Jordahlone of the spokespersons for the organization.
Source: El heraldo

Karen Clayton is a seasoned journalist and author at The Nation Update, with a focus on world news and current events. She has a background in international relations, which gives her a deep understanding of the political, economic and social factors that shape the global landscape. She writes about a wide range of topics, including conflicts, political upheavals, and economic trends, as well as humanitarian crisis and human rights issues.