A clear, peremptory and crystalline victory. The European Union, after having looked the other way for years, finally deviated towards the Italian position on the drafting of the regulation for the management of migration crises. The government led by Giorgia Meloni, in fact, managed to have the passage on NGOs eliminated. Ultimately, even the champions of the left will have to follow the rules imposed by the countries of the Old Continent. Giorgia Linardi, spokesperson for Sea Watch, who gave an interview to La Repubblica, did not like this news at all. «We find Italy’s persistence in relation to the amendment on NGOs absurd, it reveals a clear desire to continue criminalizing humanitarian intervention. In fact, Europe supported the Meloni government’s position which contradicts the principle of humanitarian aid, which has been the basis of international law.”
And at a time when Sea Watch was protesting against our executive’s position, the Open Arms ship was blocked for twenty days, after having disembarked forty-eight hours ago in the port of Carrara. An administrative arrest for violating the prohibition on carrying out multiple rescues. News that arrived on the eve of the new hearing in Palermo of the Open Arms trial, against the former Minister of the Interior, Matteo Salvini, accused of kidnapping and refusing official documents. A decision, that of the arrest of the Spanish NGO, was harshly criticized by Tuscan deputies from the Democratic Party. Who announced a parliamentary question. «In addition to the moral aspect, punishing and sanctioning NGOs appears to be a practice openly in conflict with the principles and norms of international law that guarantee the right of all individuals to be rescued at sea – we read in a note – It is urgent and necessary to suspend and the pecuniary and administrative sanctions commuted to Open Arms and the other ships”.
The same Spanish NGO protests: «We consider it unacceptable to have to suffer this situation because we have fulfilled our duty, that is, because we have respected the region’s legislation and international conventions. It is the legal and moral obligation of the captain of any ship to provide assistance to shipwrecked people in distress. If saving lives is a crime, there’s no better time to join our gang. Become a criminal.” In August, when the same ship was blocked for the first time, two councilors from the Tuscan Region, Serena Spinelli and Monia Monni, boarded the ship and met with the captain and crew to convey “the our solidarity and our gratitude.”
A vision of the world reiterated yesterday afternoon, on the sidelines of a round table organized in Florence by Ance. “The government is now hiding behind a finger that no longer covers anything, not even its shame – declared Monia Monni. They are tearing apart the system of widespread reception”. An assessment that was dismantled by the Tuscan deputy and regional coordinator of the FdI, Fabrizio Rossi: «To the left that does nothing more than announce questions without ifs or buts, accusing the Meloni government of not demonstrating humanity on the issue of sanctions on the Open Arms NGO , we respond with the facts: the EU agreement, reached with ambassadors on the migration pact, in which the German pro-NGO amendment was revised. Our line is clear and, for those who only know how to practice demagoguery, evidently not remembering that inhumanity belongs rather to death traffickers, we reiterate a choice of legality and responsibility that the EU is understanding, thanks to the commitment of the Prime Minister. Minister who, in fact, brought Europe to Africa.”
Source: IL Tempo

John Cameron is a journalist at The Nation View specializing in world news and current events, particularly in international politics and diplomacy. With expertise in international relations, he covers a range of topics including conflicts, politics and economic trends.