Wall with Mexico and repatriations, Biden’s hard line leaves Democrats in a tailspin

Everyone is against Joe Biden and the decision to expand the wall on the Mexican border to contain irregular immigration to the United States. Not only from the number one candidate in the 2024 presidential elections, Donald Trump, who now thunders: “It’s so interesting to see Joe Biden having to break all the environmentalist rules to prove that I was right in building the border wall, who knows if Biden apologize to me and to America for taking so long and allowing our country to be inundated with 15 million migrants.” But very heavy criticism also comes from the left wing of the Democrats, naturally with opposite motivations: “The president must take responsibility for his decision and go back on it”, says Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

“The Biden administration was not forced to expand the construction of the Wall on the border” between Texas and Mexico, “and it certainly was not forced to suspend environmental laws to do so,” added the Democrat, thus expressing the surprise and disappointment of the liberal wing of the party. Yesterday Biden defended his decision saying that the resources had already been allocated by Congress for this project and there was no way to divert them to other projects. But the Department of Homeland Security, when announcing the start of construction of about thirty kilometers of wall in Texas, referred to the “acute and urgent” need to stem the flow of migrants. “A wall is not used to prevent people fleeing poverty and violence from coming to the USA – added the New York congresswoman – walls only serve to push migrants to more remote areas, increasing their chances of death.

The Biden administration’s hard line on migrants not only concerns the wall, but also flights for the repatriation of people arriving from Venezuela. Last week, Joe Biden temporarily extended the legal status of 470,000 Venezuelans living in the United States, stating that the situation of major economic and political crisis prevents them from returning to their country. However, only those who arrived before July 31 will be able to request this protection, all Venezuelans who illegally entered the United States after this date will be able to be repatriated. And Biden administration officials have announced they will resume repatriation flights.

Source: IL Tempo
