Israel, the party in the desert turns into carnage: rockets and gunfire into the crowd

Nothing was spared in the rocket attack launched by Hamas against Israel. One of the most viral videos is of the chaos that broke out during an all-night outdoor party near Kibbutz Reim, near the Gaza Strip. Eyewitnesses said the rockets were quickly followed by shots fired into the crowd as hundreds of revelers tried to flee. According to the website Ynet, there was at least one death and dozens of injuries: it appears that many others are still hiding in the desert area near Kibbutz Reim, in the western Negev, where thousands of people were taking part in the event.

Noya Reuven, 20, spoke to the Times of Israel and described a state of mass panic as thousands of revelers rushed to their vehicles under Hamas rockets. The outdoor trance music festival was held to coincide with the Sukkot holiday. It began yesterday at 11pm and continued throughout the night, in the presence of thousands of Israelis aged between 20 and 40 from all over the country. The event was held in the presence of security guards. But the shots fired from Gaza took everyone by surprise and a general stampede began.

Source: IL Tempo
