In two very complex health care centers in Barranquilla and Puerto Colombia, there are still six construction workers who suffered burns to their bodies after an explosion that occurred in a hotel called Lotus Glamping, located in the Caño Dulce resort, in the jurisdiction of Tubará.
The Atlantic Police stated in its reports that the incident took place on Friday afternoon, October 6, while the owner of the property and some employees were carrying out a test on the gas installation in the kitchen. Apparently, a buildup of gas and the ignition of a stove caused the explosion at the site.
After the incident, the people were transferred to the Puerto Colombia Hospital, but from there they had to be referred to the Portoazul Auna Clinic and the Reina Catalina Clinic in Barranquilla.
Source: El heraldo

John Cameron is a journalist at The Nation View specializing in world news and current events, particularly in international politics and diplomacy. With expertise in international relations, he covers a range of topics including conflicts, politics and economic trends.