Jorge Alcocer V.
There are those who credit polling with the ability to decisively influence the will of voters by presenting the results—fictitious or real—that one competitor receives months or years before Election Day. significant advantage. It’s about, Anyway, unjustified pressure disguised as information.
Perhaps the influence of polls is an urban legend, but in Mexico what we are experiencing is a tragedyfunny geodesywhich is practiced from the main altar from the National Palace every morning. Not a week goes by without the president or his representatives telling all four winds about supposed the popularity that polls give him. Such results are He incense that I eat Copal burns with admiration for Tlatoani, the most popular president in Mexican history and the most respected in the world rankings, even though suddenly some dictator from elsewhere is challenging him for first place.
Polls are by decision officialchangePeople’s voice.
Because of the poll, President Lopez Obrador decided to cancel work of the new airport City from Mexico. According to another survey, a private company was forced to cancel an investment project to install plant brewery in Baja California. Ecosystem destruction peninsula Yucatan and the destruction of historical and cultural heritage Maya, for the work of the train in this territoryit’s justified With surveys and consultations.
Poll strength reaches zenith be the instrument by which the two candidates for the Mexican presidency in 2024 were selected, with such promote, law violationthat now neither they nor the parties that will nominate them formally next February they know what to do for the coming weeks and months. It would be funny or farcical to read polls measuring the popularity of each of the current candidates competing with themselves for who they already are, starting with the start of the campaign in the third week of November.
Without assessing the consequences and not paying attention to the effects, Morena expanded use polls to select nine flag bearers for the gubernatorial and chief of government elections in CDMX. Procedure guilt in Amozok’s rosary, What Today no one knows for sure whatlet’s finish. By installing in the call that 4 to 6 candidates selected by Morena State committees will be considered and appreciated In each poll, a rebellion by the excluded forced a change in decision. Today no one knows what is happening toit’s inThe slopes of the state of Morena, where they are made, likeHow many candidates are assessed?, WhatAnd they are asking interviewees etc.orhow do they do it? Tragic news – kidnappingsYou And murderYou pollsters hired by Morena in the state of Chiapas.
Using polls as a window is a ploy to hide decisions that the tenant of the National Palace makes alone, or agreements reached in the dark by leaders three parties of the Front Amplio. According to the poll, Xochitl Galvez is the opposition coalition’s presidential candidate. According to several polls – questioned – Claudia SHeinbaum is the ruling alliance’s presidential candidate. And judging by what they said in MC, the poll will determine the third presidential candidate for 2024. This is the power that the presidency and political parties have given to pollsters and pollsters.
The result is catastrophic for the quality and reliability of survey companies. Most of them compete for the favor and resources of governments and parties. Mexican Demo Market Distorted by Overwhelming Poll Flooddata by parties or candidates, which are disseminated as if some media outlets paid for them. The distortion and manipulation of information has reached such a level that sites have appeared on the Internet on which, at the request of the client, the results of supposed exercises such as “vote from polls(sum of surveys).
On Wednesday, October 4, Xochitl Galvez uploaded to his account Twit (X) satirical commentary on two polls. In one of themYes He is 54 points behind Claudia. Sheyunbaum (14 vs. 68); another poll took it off a week after The first reduces the gap of the opposing candidate to 30 points (50 versus 20). The Hidalgo woman is right to ridicule both polls. But there is a problem, like A elephant in the room.
Poll fraud and manipulation must be condemned and its authors exposed for what they are: traders in the service of the highest bidder.
INE must enforce the law and the agreements of the General Council regarding the polls of electors. (Article 213 LGIPE). In particular, the companies that conduct them and the media that distribute them should be required to immediately report the results of each poll published or broadcast. The report should include the database, the questionnaire used as it was presented or read to respondents, and proof of funding for each survey. Who pays? This information must be public and accessible to any interested party. INE must act immediately.
I am proud to know and communicate with long-standing and renowned prestigious pollsters; I believe they must act to stop the spiral of deceit and discredit that has engulfed activities that we once considered important for informing the public about the sentiments and preferences of citizens, rather than deceiving and manipulating voters.
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Source: Aristegui Noticias

John Cameron is a journalist at The Nation View specializing in world news and current events, particularly in international politics and diplomacy. With expertise in international relations, he covers a range of topics including conflicts, politics and economic trends.