Moni Ovadia has never hidden his “disturbing” opinions about the chronic crisis in the Middle East, which is currently experiencing a new and terrible escalation: the number of dead and wounded on both the Israeli and Palestinian fronts is increasing with each passing hour. A war that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who took over military command, declared “long and difficult.”
In other interviews, you said that the Hamas attack was the result of Israel’s blind policy. This is a very clear position.
“The responsibility lies entirely with the arrogance practiced by successive Israeli governments for decades. They make the Palestinians the target of all kinds of arrogance, harassment, colonization, occupation, illegal detentions, administrative detentions: they kill their children in cold blood. What can we expect? Gaza has been under the iron heel of the Israeli government for 75 years, Gaza has been under the iron heel of the Israeli government, Gaza UN An area declared by ‘uninhabitable zone’ is a hellish place. The Israelis said they withdrew from there to justify themselves: Yes, they withdrew a handful of settlers, but then they armed the area, they armed the borders, the sea and the airspace, they are the ones who decide everything , they provide energy, water, electricity. Worst of all. Gazans are living in a sardine can. I just read an extraordinary article by the Israeli journalist Gideon Levy, writing in Ha’aretz, he said: ‘This is where the arrogance of those who do not see the truth lies. something else and I think it could go on like this forever’.
Did you expect the Israeli army to be so unprepared?
“They defeated their so-called security. And they succeeded because the Israelis were so arrogant that they didn’t think it could happen. They probably relaxed their vigilance: 2,500 to 3,000 missiles came and they didn’t notice. These are not peanuts! That’s because the Israelis – I’m always talking about the rulers and the military authority – were so intimidating and “They have internalized such a disgusting arrogance that they no longer even notice what is going on around them, you see? Palestinians have been living in a sardine can. For years they have decided to risk everything for a sip of freedom.”
You also blame the International Community
“I blame the international community, especially the Western community, for their cowardice and behavior. They are disgusted because a country that occupies the territory is responsible for the people living in the occupied territory; instead the Israelis enjoy immunity and do anything to save their lives. They are in hell: a West Bank “There is an open-air prison, there is a sardine can in Gaza. They do this because they know they are guaranteed immunity by the international community. Now they are making release agreements with Arab countries. We keep the camp away from possible allies of the Palestinians, but these countries do not care about the Palestinians anyway.”
Behind Hamas’ actions is not everyone, it is Iran, and it is certainly not an enlightened democracy…
“It’s possible for Iran to supply missiles, I’m not ruling out that this country founded on fanatic religious fundamentalism plays a role, but it’s happening in a context that prefers the worst of the worst. What do Palestinians in Gaza and Palestinians have to lose? The West Bank? What?” “!? They are subject to constant arrests, their homes are occupied, their olive trees are destroyed, their lands and water resources are expropriated. I have never seen anything so wild under the sky of the planet. For decades and decades.”
You were talking about immunity before.
“No one says, ‘I’m sorry, gentlemen, you settled 700 thousand settlers on lands that do not belong to you.’ No one does! 700 thousand is not a small group, 5 thousand is not symbolic. And it is a large group. Some of these settlers harass Palestinians and throw stones at their children going to school.” It consists of fanatics and fundamentalists who throw people away and prevent them from living. If we weren’t in such a disgusting world, we would have to take a team and stay there for a month to film what is happening in the occupied territories… But our media only hears what the Americans say: We say okay, “There is an alliance, it’s not just a military alliance. And the Americans and the Israelis have something in common.”
“The Israelis say this land belongs to them because there is the Bible, there is God; Americans have their famous saying. manifest destiny. ‘This land, the United States of America, has been assigned to us; and our destiny is to lead the world into what is good and right for us.’ In philosophy, this is called essentialism, an axiom that is not even possible to discuss; But the Bible is not international law, manifest destiny “This is not international law.”
Let’s go back to the Hamas attack. Don’t you think this helps Netanyahu? The government was weak, Israeli society was divided.
“Look, I’m not going to start a conspiracy because I don’t have evidence, but I don’t rule out that there may be connections. It’s clear what the game will be: it will raise the issue that Israel has to do.” It must defend itself and exist, and its slaughter of thousands of Palestinians, including women, the elderly and children, will be justified. That’s why Palestinians must remain chained, without the possibility of living and existing. I repeat, Palestinians are exasperated, they see no future: They are ready to lose everything because they have nothing to lose. Israeli governments have decided that there will never be a Palestinian state in these lands, because God gave them this land. The International Community should simply say that no God decides international law, otherwise everyone will appeal to their own god and say ‘this is mine’ and implement UN General Assembly resolution 194, which guarantees the return of refugees to their land, and then force Israel to its assigned borders Decisions No. 242 and 338 requiring withdrawal. And above all the Oslo Accords”, because there is an agreement.
Source: Today IT

Karen Clayton is a seasoned journalist and author at The Nation Update, with a focus on world news and current events. She has a background in international relations, which gives her a deep understanding of the political, economic and social factors that shape the global landscape. She writes about a wide range of topics, including conflicts, political upheavals, and economic trends, as well as humanitarian crisis and human rights issues.