Inspections in some schools to verify whether anti-Semitic attitudes and glorification of Hamas’ actions were actually carried out. If discovered, they will be reported to the Public Prosecutor’s Office. This was established by the Minister of Education and Merit Giuseppe Valditara, who this morning brought the solidarity of the Ministry and the Italian Government to the Jewish Community School in via Sally Mayer in Milan. “In these dramatic hours – declared the Minister after the attack against Israel – I want to express my closeness to the Jewish people, victims of a brutal attack reminiscent of Nazi methods. Starting at school, it is necessary to develop a global strategy to eradicate any residue of anti-Semitism and promote a culture of respect. This fierce and inhumane hatred recalls the experiences of the worst totalitarianisms that have bloodied and continue to bloody the entire world. It is not enough to cultivate memory, it is necessary to exalt the centrality and beauty of the human being, whose existence is sacred and inviolable.”
Valditara then announces the repression after some reports: “Inspections will therefore be carried out in educational institutions where attitudes of anti-Semitic hatred and glorification of Hamas’ infamous action have emerged. We want to check whether someone has actually expressed hateful attitudes, anti-Semitism, or incitement to war against Israel. If these facts are discovered, those responsible will be reported to the Public Prosecutor’s Office. Anyone who rejoiced in actions that led to the massacre of innocent children and children, women and men, just because they were Jews, must be prosecuted under criminal laws.”
Source: IL Tempo

John Cameron is a journalist at The Nation View specializing in world news and current events, particularly in international politics and diplomacy. With expertise in international relations, he covers a range of topics including conflicts, politics and economic trends.