The death toll rises to more than 1,200 in Israel and 1,055 in Gaza

He number of deaths in Israel as a result of last Wednesday’s surprise attack on Saturday by the Islamist movement Hamas, there were more than 1,200 and more than 3,000 injured, while the Israeli bombing in Gaza has already caused 1,055 deaths and at least 5,184 injuries.

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The death toll in Israel, reported by local media citing emergency medical services, marks a significant increase compared to the previous report, which was approximately 900 dead.

On the Gaza side, the Palestinian Health Ministry reported this Wednesday that it has so far recorded 1,055 deaths from Israeli retaliatory bombings and at least 5,184 injuries.

At least another 1,000 Palestinians are added to these figures Israeli territory according to the latest Army estimates.

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In addition, the Israeli government has reported that more than 100 people have been kidnapped by Hamas and taken to Gaza as hostages.

This morning, Israeli airstrikes on the Strip continued, with extensive bombing of more than 320 targets of both Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad group in various parts of the enclave, including a complex reportedly used for the production and storage of weapons .

At the same time, the Israeli Navy, the Air Force and the artillery corps attacked Hamas naval targets which, according to a military spokesman, “were used by Hamas to carry out terrorist attacks on Israeli assets.”

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This new war enters its fifth day this Wednesday, as Gaza militias have continued to launch rockets toward Israeli communities near the border.

This Tuesday was also the first attack since then Syria in Israeli territory since the start of the conflict with Palestinian militias, contributing to a series of firefights on the Israel-Lebanon border since Sunday.

Source: El heraldo
