Storm in Brussels after the disappearance of a sensitive scientific document questioning the advantages enjoyed by the pharmaceutical giants. The case was reported by various organizations concerned with lobbying and transparency in EU institutions. It was noted that the document was removed after it was published on October 27. Another element is added to an already embarrassing situation: two MPs responsible for the dismissal of the European People’s Party (EPP) will be united in a romantic relationship. This isn’t just gossip. The incident highlights one of many worrying conflicts of interest regarding the health of democracy in the European capital. Who decides what and based on what interests and relationships is becoming increasingly important.
italian experts
The report prepared by the European Parliament’s Group of Experts on the Future of Science and Technology (STOA) is a sensitive report as it relates to access to medicines and pharmaceutical innovations. This would have come at a time when the European Parliament had just begun to discuss reform of the pharmaceutical system, focusing on incentives for companies developing medicines. Billions of euros are at stake. The independent paper was written by Italian researchers Simona Gamba from the University of Milan, Laura Magazzini from Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna and Paolo Pertile from the University of Verona. The academic recommendations contained in the document concern ways to improve access to medicines for citizens in Member States.
Less advantage for Big Pharma
The measures identified, we read in the document, “aim to guarantee the development of accessible medicines in all clinical areas, improve the availability, price and transparency of Research and Development costs and guarantee responsiveness in emergency situations”; for example in the event of an epidemic. The report, in an “assertive” tone, calls for “strengthening EU coordination on issues related to intellectual property rights and pharmaceutical supply” as well as “shortening the period of exclusivity” under which companies benefit from the contract. Copyright. Experts also called for “the introduction of specific incentives (subscription models) for certain UMNs (antimicrobials and ultra-rare diseases), regardless of market size”, as well as a review of existing incentives for ultra-rare diseases. Another pillar is related to the “establishment of a public Research and Development infrastructure” that is also active in the production process. Experts have called for Brussels to adopt policies that are largely negative in essence. Big Pharma and larger public investments resulting in public structures, removing from market rules some medicines that do not provide sufficient income to the pharmaceutical industry, especially for rare diseases, but in any case special research needs to be carried out on them to guarantee the rights to the health of all citizens.
Don’t disappear from the web
The document, published online on October 27, was later removed from the Stoa’s website on October 30. According to Politico newspaper, MPs Christian Ehler and Pernille Weiss were responsible for this election. Both from the European People’s Party and from members of the Stoic committee chaired by Ehler. Various organizations working for the transparency of European institutions have suggested that the two center-right representatives share another element: they have (or had) a relationship as a couple. A factor that, according to activists, influenced their choices regarding the report on pharmaceutical companies and identified a genuine conflict of interest. International Transparency argued that the circumstances that led to the report’s removal “justify the filing of a potential conflict of interest lawsuit by the Advisory Committee on Member Conduct.” The latter is a body of the European Parliament that verifies whether MPs comply with the institution’s internal rules of conduct. Observatory experts also share the same opinion Corporate Europe. In this context, Olivier Hoedeman said: “Stoa’s president is acting on behalf of his partner, a member of the European Parliament with close connections to Big Pharma.”
Danish member of parliament
The partner he mentioned is Pernille Weiss from Denmark, who has been part of the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy since 2019. In this capacity, she served as rapporteur on the draft revision of the EU Medicines Regulation Directive and the Waste Shipment Directive. Its position is to protect the industry by, for example, providing longer protection periods for new medicines through intellectual property to prevent competition. This is no coincidence, considering Weiss is the CEO of healthcare and architectural consulting firm Archimed in his hometown.
Facing accusations of conflict of interest, German MP Ehler defended himself by claiming that the report was published “by mistake” in his capacity as the Stoa secretariat. He had previously justified himself by mentioning the concerns of committee members. EuropaToday’s certified sources confirm that the expected release date is actually October 27th. It is now a matter of understanding and determining who has the power to decide whether research commissioned by a public body such as the Stoa is published or otherwise carried out, as well as what kinds of relationships may exist between MEPs and the companies featured in an official document. . While we await further clarification on the matter, Ehler has denied that he has a conflict of interest regarding his role as Stoa secretary. The code of conduct for MEPs already provides that a conflict of interest includes “a situation where the exercise of the mandate of a Member of the European Parliament in the public interest may be improperly affected by reasons affecting his or her emotional life, his or her family”. economic interests or something else”.
Source: Today IT
Karen Clayton is a seasoned journalist and author at The Nation Update, with a focus on world news and current events. She has a background in international relations, which gives her a deep understanding of the political, economic and social factors that shape the global landscape. She writes about a wide range of topics, including conflicts, political upheavals, and economic trends, as well as humanitarian crisis and human rights issues.