Israel bombed 250 Palestinian hospitals, clinics or ambulances, WHO says

Israel has bombed 250 hospitals, clinics or ambulances in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, World Health Organization Director Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said before the UN Security Council on Friday.

“The healthcare system (in Gaza) is in shambles,” said Ghebreyesus, explaining his statement as follows:

hospital corridors full of injured, sick or dying people; overcrowded morgues; Operations without anesthesia and tens of thousands of displaced Gazans and refugees in hospitals.

The WHO director was invited to explain to the Security Council the situation of the health sector in Gaza after a month of attacks by Israel and also warned of the risk of forced displacement among the one and a half million people living in the Gaza Strip. and small places: “Increases the risk of diarrhea, respiratory diseases and skin infections.”

‘A child dies in Gaza every ten minutes’

He emphasized that a huge number of over 11,000 people, women and children, have been murdered in Gaza and gave terrible information:

Every ten minutes a child dies in Gaza.

Half of Gaza’s 36 hospitals and two-thirds of primary health centers are already out of service – Ghebreyesus warned, saying that in the past 48 hours alone, four hospitals have been crippled by bombings, resulting in the loss of 430 beds.

And despite this dramatic data, Israel’s ambassador to the UN, Gilad Erdan, justified the attacks on hospitals by saying that Hamas was hiding in its basements and using its network of ambulances to travel. (EFE)

Source: La Neta Neta
