The left is used to division, and the Greek left is no exception. This time the party was Syriza; The party once led by Alexis Tsipras is now led by Stefanos Kasselakis, a former Miami banker and entrepreneur who until recently was virtually unknown in his own country. It was precisely the new leadership that caused the split, with the departure of 46 members of the Umbrella faction of Euclid Tsakalotos, who was Tsipras’ Finance Minister during the economic crisis and negotiations for the memorandum of understanding with the European Union.
The move follows several weeks of tension between members of the group and the new leader, who was elected in late September and is accused of abandoning the party’s left-wing ideology by focusing on the vague idea of a kind of social media-focused “post-politics”. It is the story of a charismatic leader who, in Kasselakis’ words, “connects directly with the people” and distances himself from party structures. 35-year-old Syriza said, “It is a new day for our party, where we will move forward in unity, with new ideas, new discourses, a deep social, humanitarian and ecological approach. We will open the party to society.” chairman, Sachs, a former Goldman employee, on the party radio station “Sto Kokkino.” Kasselakis said, “We are moving forward with a patriotic and modern left, we will open the party to many members, you are invited to contribute,” and announced that a “wide inclusive congress” will be held next February.
The split had become almost inevitable with Kasselakis’ decision to call for the expulsion of three members of the ‘Umbrella’ group; These were all former ministers; two of them, Panos Skourletis and Dimitris Vitsas, were also party secretaries. The third member, former Minister of Education Nikos Filis, said that Kasselakis acted more like Beppe Grillo and former US President Donald Trump than a leftist politician. In a statement published yesterday (Sunday, November 12) afternoon, Ombrello accuses Kasselakis and his associates of “Trumpian practices, right-wing populism, shouting, fanaticism and hatred of the historical trajectory of the left.” The statement said, “We are aware of our historical responsibility. We insist on being leftist and our vision is socialism with freedom, democracy.”
Now the exiles will probably create a new political formation. Speaking to television channel Action 24, Vitsas spoke of a new “political space or meeting place” and argued that it could include former Syriza officials who left the party before the September 2015 elections, the second election won by Tsipras after the signing of the aid programme. Signed with Europe. He stated that former Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis’s MeRA25 party may be involved in these talks, and said, “There will be talks to form a radical left group.”
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Source: Today IT
Karen Clayton is a seasoned journalist and author at The Nation Update, with a focus on world news and current events. She has a background in international relations, which gives her a deep understanding of the political, economic and social factors that shape the global landscape. She writes about a wide range of topics, including conflicts, political upheavals, and economic trends, as well as humanitarian crisis and human rights issues.