Feeling terrifying | Article

Mario Luis Fuentes

I have repeatedly stated that the dominant language in the field of social research is insufficient to describe, but above all to understand and interpret, what is happening in our country. From this perspective, documenting the complex problems we face is a formidable task, not only because of the scale and number of victims throughout the country, but also because of the level of evil that is being committed and committed by everyone, days.

In November 2020, the dismembered bodies of two teenagers who went missing on October 27 of the same year were discovered. These notes horrified the country, but not enough to mobilize the authorities in the sense that should always be the main goal in these cases: to compensate for the damage to family members, but, above all, to guarantee that this kind of non-repetition. monsters.

According to reports published in national newspapers about the event, two teenagers were tortured and then killed, apparently as part of a “ritual” carried out by members of an organized crime gang.

This topic allows us to contextualize the new discovery reported this week of the corpse of a child in a jar, which is part of what was found in the possession of the alleged criminals, identified as “santeros”, who also had various animals in their possession. which they use for “satanic rituals”.

According to the REDIM 2022 report, at least 14 girls and boys go missing every day in Mexico. This implies a figure of more than 5 thousand per year. Sometimes the mobilization of society and in a smaller number of authorities makes it possible to achieve adequate life saving; But in thousands of cases, the search continues without the resources or policies to support families.

According to the National Search Commission, as of November 17, 2023, 113,259 people were missing or not found. The highest figure in the country because there is relatively reliable information on this issue. Against this background, we must highlight the enormous propaganda efforts that the Government of the Republic is making to justify that this figure is higher than it actually is; and prove that this is not the administration with the most victims in this case.

All of the above is necessarily associated with the commission of various crimes; the most obvious: the forced disappearance of people due to the fault of the authorities, as well as individuals; child abduction, illegal adoption and human trafficking for various purposes and in various forms.

Under past administrations, policies to prevent, punish, and protect victims of human trafficking have been woefully inadequate. However, this issue is simply ignored by the current government and is no longer part of the public safety strategy priorities. This, oddly enough, may have a negative impact on the number of criminal cases initiated, since in the subjects of the republic there is no pressure from public opinion and especially from the federal government in order to provide results in the case, therefore prosecution for this crime could be reduced by creating the impression is that the fewer investigations, the fewer crimes there are to investigate.

Beyond the numbers, it is important to perform the ethical exercise that everything that has been said so far calls for: close your eyes and for a moment imagine the terrible hell that girls, boys and teenagers go through when torn from their family environment. , and who turn into victims of the greatest humiliations. It is not an exaggeration to suggest that this necessarily leads into the realm of the unthinkable because, ultimately, the capacity of criminals to do evil far exceeds the ability to imagine terror in reality.

In his poem “Auschwitz,” the poet Leon Felipe complains to Dante and all damned poets about their inability to depict the true hell of the crematoria. In this beautiful and heavy poem he says:

“You… have no imagination,
Remember that in your “Hell”
There’s not even a child…
And the one you see there…
he’s alone
Only! without Cicero…
I’m waiting for the doors of hell to open
what you; poor Florentine!
“You couldn’t even imagine.”

Leon Felipe/Photo: julianmarquina.es

In their claims to complete objectivity, most social sciences have refused to include this type of thinking, which is sorely needed today to recognize and be horrified by the hell that surrounds us; in front of thousands alone, waiting their turn to be included in the ranks of the most brutal suffering and pain imaginable, and for others, even worse.

Imagining hell is perhaps an impossible task; but this does not mean, with the effort of thinking about it, to imagine how to devote all available institutions and resources to the protection of childhood and adolescence and ensure that there will not be another mother, sister or brother, father, grandmother or grandfather, with a broken heart and with the pain of lack of loss and despair of not knowing where and how their daughters and sons, especially the smallest and most vulnerable ones, are.

Hearing any child cry out in pain is heartbreaking; but even more so to be alone in the possibility of imagining it; they face the radical absence of their lives and the daily horror of the inescapable thought that perhaps they have suffered the most.

The terror and violence unleashed at Auschwitz are not very far from what we face today: instrumental rationality applied to the spread of terror, kidnapping, torture and murder of girls and boys, organ trafficking or sadistic ritual activities, and actual psychopaths.

That is why it is worth concluding the reflection with the last verses of the above-mentioned poem by Leon Felipe:

Look! This is a place where you can’t play the violin.
Everyone’s ropes are breaking here
violins of the world…
I’m also a great violinist
and I touched hell many times…
But now, here…
I’ll break my violin… and shut up.

Source: Aristegui Noticias
