Ban disposable e-cigarettes by 2025

By 2025, it will no longer be possible to purchase disposable electronic cigarettes colored with various flavors, called “puffs”, in France. This was announced by French Minister of Health Aurélien Rousseau within the scope of the National Tobacco Control Programme, which also envisages further increasing taxes on cigarettes and similar products.

According to Rousseau, panting “is an aberration both from the point of view of public health and from the point of view of the environmental footprint.” E-cigarette use among adolescents tripled between 2017 and 2022, according to a report published in March 2023 by the French Observatory on Drugs and Drug Addiction. 40% of young people started smoking by inhaling, and this data shows that e-cigarettes do not reduce tobacco-related risks (as manufacturers claim), but rather increase them.

Given that the measure is supported by several MPs, the ban should be approved by the Transalpine Parliament without surprises. If the text is passed, it will be up to the European Commission to determine whether it complies with EU rules. France is not alone in the fight against disposable e-cigarettes: Germany, Belgium and Ireland are also working on similar legislation.

In its anti-smoking plan, Paris also plans to raise the price of a pack of cigarettes to 13 euros by 2027 (from the current average of 11 euros) and extend smoke-free zones to beaches, parks, forests and surrounding areas. areas of public places. In France, smoking causes the death of 75 thousand people every year and is the main cause of premature death.

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Source: Today IT
