Covid cases are increasing in Austria and mask use is returning

Fears of a new Covid wave are returning. Following the increase in Covid-19 and flu cases in Austria, Austrian Minister of Health Johannes Rauch recommended wearing a mask in the most crowded public transportation vehicles as well as in hospitals. This is not a requirement, but a recommendation to protect the most vulnerable. Minister Rauch, who also launched the call for free anti-Covid vaccines, said: “We are in the middle of a coronavirus wave, national monitoring of wastewater shows this very clearly.”

New Covid-19 infections increased by 39 percent in the country last week: 30 thousand Austrians out of a population of nine million caught the coronavirus. Restrictions have been imposed on nine clinics in Vienna, all belonging to the ‘Wiener Gesundheitsverbund’ (Vienna health association), but since 1 July the coronavirus in the State of Austria is no longer a disease that must be reported to the health authorities.

However, with the increase in cases again, it became mandatory to take samples from patients with even mild symptoms in all nine clinics. In case of positivity, the patient will be isolated. Facility employees complied with the use of masks.

Source: Today IT
