Cop28, “return to cave times”. The UAE’s denialist phrases trigger the fight

Even at COP 28 there is a discussion about the climate. The United Nations Conference on Climate Change is currently taking place in Dubai and it was a representative from the United Arab Emirates who sparked the controversy. “I am against the elimination of fossil fuels, that would mean a return to cave times. No science shows that it is necessary to abandon fossil fuels to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels. Following this path would not allow us to pursue sustainable development. Unless someone wants to take the world back to the cave era”, words from Sultan Al Jaber, president of the delegation organizing the event, which had as one of its objectives the dialogue on saying goodbye to fossil fuels.

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, who spoke in the last few hours on the summit stage, attacked the Emirati politician: “Absolutely worrying statements and on the verge of climate denial”. Al Jaber, the United Arab Emirates’ special envoy for the fight against climate change, has long been in the sights of environmentalists and others, who accuse him of a conflict of interest, being number one at Adnoc, the state oil company of the United Arab Emirates. Emirates, which until December 12, 2023, brings together leaders from governments, civil society, industry and finance at a key moment to assess for the first time global progress on the Paris Climate Agreement.

Source: IL Tempo
