Addiction is uglier than a disabled or gay child: Governor of Sinaloa

Sinaloa Governor Rubén Rocha said the organization is reducing the addiction problem.

In his second government report he compared the problem of addiction with disability and homosexuality.

At the end of the discussion he said he was not homophobic.

These were his words this Saturday in his second report:

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Last Sunday, the Morenoist governor accompanied President Andrés Manuel López Obrador to the inauguration of the Teletón Children’s Rehabilitation and Inclusion Center (CRIT) Sinaloa.

Sinaloa Governor Rubén Rocha Moya emphasized that this CRIT will help girls and boys with motor disabilities and autism; A reported 495 have registered, but 1,200 are in neighboring communities receiving care outside of work.

He recalled that since last year, the Federal and Sinaloa governments have been equally committed to ensuring coverage for all people with disabilities:

“In Sinaloa there is not a single person with a disability, with a permanent disability, who does not have a pension; this is universal in Sinaloa.”

Source: La Neta Neta
