Sushi dinner, they feel sick after: 240 drunk. Owner: “He was a customer”

If 240 drunk people are any indication, it’s safe to say that a lot of sushi dinners have gone bad. But that’s not certain: The restaurant, by the way, is the same, Sushi Nine, a Japanese restaurant in Raleigh, North Carolina, United States. There could have been a mass contamination here of norovirus, a pathogen that can cause abdominal cramps, vomiting, fever and diarrhea, among many side effects. The first customer to report feeling unwell after eating sushi to authorities dates back to December 1. From then on, there were at least 240 cases with “unusual symptoms” in the same restaurant.

The disease is also known as “stomach flu”; This is a gastroenteritis that can be transmitted after touching contaminated surfaces. The company said the North Carolina Department of Public Health said “everyone who became ill has recovered” and is in contact with the restaurant to “determine the source and extent of the outbreak.” Rebecca Kaufman.

The restaurant defended itself: “The virus was brought by the customer”

But the correlation with sushi is unclear: “The study did not point to a single type of food as the source of the infection, as all of those who reported getting sick ate a variety of dishes on the menu.” The health authority on norovirus research said “it is not possible to narrow it down to a specific source of contamination.”

Of the 241 people who experienced side effects after eating at Sushi Nine, 170 were contacted by health officials and asked to provide stool samples to test for the presence or absence of the virus. However, only 3 people complied with this request, and all of them tested positive for the infectious pathogen.

Hearing the news, the restaurant’s manager closed the business for three days to allow the area to be thoroughly cleaned and resumed business, although he firmly believed it had nothing to do with the illnesses: “We’re pretty sure nothing will happen. The problem was the food,” the restaurant owner said. “We have reason to believe that a norovirus-positive customer had dinner at the restaurant a few days ago,” he said.

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Source: Today IT
