In a message published on social media, Alexey Navalny, who is imprisoned in the Ik-2 penal colony, in the Arctic region of Russia, guarantees that he is “fine”. Yesterday the lawyers of the Russian dissident, who had not been heard from for days after his transfer from the Ik-6 colony in the Vladimir region, announced that they had met Navalny in the penal colony in the far north of Russia, 2,000 kilometers away. from Moscow. “I am the new Santa Claus – he jokingly writes about Santa Claus’s traditional home in the Arctic and the fact that he wears a sheepskin coat, fur hat and shoes and that in the twenty days of transfer from his previous prison he left grow a beard – . Unfortunately there are no reindeer, but very beautiful German shepherds. I don’t say ‘ho, ho, ho’, but rather ‘oh, oh, oh’ – he continues referring to the traditional call of Santa Claus -. When I look out the window and see the night, then the afternoon and then the night again.”
Regarding his transfer, the dissident states that he is “very tired” and that he even hoped that no one would know about him until mid-January. For weeks, his team and lawyers reported Navalny missing after he failed to show up for several court hearings. “That’s why I was surprised when they opened the cell door and told me ‘a lawyer came to see you’”, he explained again publicly, thanking him for the support he received. “Don’t worry about me, I’m relieved to have arrived. Now that I am Santa Claus – concluded the series of posts published in Same from the North Pole, Navalny continues to infuriate Vladimir Putin.
Source: IL Tempo

John Cameron is a journalist at The Nation View specializing in world news and current events, particularly in international politics and diplomacy. With expertise in international relations, he covers a range of topics including conflicts, politics and economic trends.