Christmas gift dispute: Boy shot and killed his sister

Horror in Florida, United States. A 14-year-old boy shot and killed his 23-year-old sister after an argument over Christmas gifts. The first disagreements between the two appear to have occurred while shopping with their mother and another 15-year-old brother, but the argument continued at their grandmother’s home in a town in Pinellas County near Tampa.

He argued with his brother and then killed his sister in Tampa

At the old woman’s house, a 14-year-old young man took out a semi-automatic gun and pointed it at his brother. According to local media reports, the two argued over how many Christmas gifts to buy and the argument quickly degenerated. Meanwhile, other relatives managed to separate them. Unfortunately, it didn’t end there. The boy went out into the yard where his sister, 23-year-old Abrielle Baldwin, was with her 11-month-old son in a baby carrier, and threatened to kill them both.

His sister, obviously not taking him seriously, asked him several times to put down his gun and stop “because it was Christmas.” In response, he shot him in the chest and killed him. One shot, fatal outcome. The child escaped unhurt. The other brother went out with another gun and shot the killer, who had surgery and was not in serious condition. He is charged with murder and illegal weapons possession. Both children had previous convictions for robbery. The fifteen-year-old is instead charged with attempted first-degree murder.

According to some local associations, The number of teenagers owning illegal guns is a real and largely out of control problem in Pinellas County.

Easy handling and weapons: Daily slaughter

According to data from the Gun Violence Archive, current at the time of this writing, 42,301 people have died from firearms in the United States this year: 18,541 murders and 23,760 suicides. Every day in the USA is an unstoppable “easy gun” massacre. The prestigious Pew Research Center found that more than 4 in 10 Americans live in a household with at least one firearm. There is also an incredible disproportion between the number of residents and guns: In the US, there are 393.3 million guns in circulation for a population of 330 million.

Deaths from firearms.  Frightening data in the USA

Source: Today IT
