The videos showing the extent of the accident at the Pradomar hotel

At the time, Samuel Álvarez, manager of the Hotel Pradomar, He told these media that “receiving this kind of news is very painful because it entails the loss of two of our employees… while they were at work.”

“The vehicle went downhill and crashed into the main wall, ran away and continued for about 100 meters and eventually hit a store that we have as a collection center and warehouse, where the three maintenance people were. At that time someone else came shopping and was injured,” he said.

In the same way, he confirmed the work that his employees were doing at the time of the accident: “I was painting, the other two were doing recycling work that we do after the weekend, since all the waste accumulates there and they start to classify what it is. bottle, cardboard and everything else. The other injured person is the shopkeeper, he arrived at that time in a small truck with merchandise for the daily work,” he said.

Regarding accidents in the area, Álvarez explained that this is very common because “there is a lack of signage. “In a bend of almost 90 degrees, accidents occur repeatedly here in this area.”

Source: El heraldo
