Woman demanded money not to share photos on social media and was arrested

A 39-year-old woman identified as Guadalupe “N” was arrested in Ecatepec following an operation carried out by members of the Security Secretariat of the State of Mexico. for alleged blackmail.

The arrest is said to have taken place in flagrante delicto after a man asked the police for help. The woman demanded money from him to prevent the publication of her photos on social media.

The incident occurred during a routine patrol on the Lechería – Texcoco federal highway, near the Santa Cruz Venta de Carpio neighborhood. Police saw the man screaming for help and fighting with the woman.

As you got closer, the woman tried to run away, but the police caught up with them.

Complainant stated that he met the woman through social media and donated 15,000 pesos to prevent the distribution of compromising photos.

But when he paid the amount he originally asked for, she demanded an even larger amount, so the Jaloneo began.

At the time of arrest, Guadalupe was “N”. In his left hand he held some banknotes and a mobile phone.

It was taken to the office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs together with the insured amount. to initiate the appropriate investigation into the alleged crime of extortion.

Source: La Neta Neta
