On January 1, Russia took over the presidency of the BRICS. The association currently consists of 10 countries. Vladimir Putin spoke on this occasion.
The BRICS group, which unites Russia, Brazil, China, India and South Africa, has been expanded to include new countries since January 1, 2024. These are Egypt, Iran, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and Ethiopia, which have joined the organization as full members. In the future it is possible to expand the group to include even more countries.
Putin: Multipolar world order
In connection with the start of the Russian chairmanship of BRICS, Vladimir Putin announced that the countries co-creating the organization are guided by the following principles: sovereign equality, respect for the choice of one’s own development path, taking into account mutual interests, openness consensus, the desire to shape a multipolar world order and a fair model of the global financial system and global trade, and the search for collective solutions to the most pressing problems of our time.
Russia’s BRICS presidency will operate in 2024 under the slogan ‘Strengthening multilateralism for equitable global development and security’.
“We will take all possible steps to preserve the traditions and, guided by the experience gained by the association in recent years, facilitate the harmonious integration of new participants in all forms of its activities,” Putin said, quoted by Russian media centers.
Russia is chairman of the BRICS
The President of the Russian Federation discussed the issue of the possible expansion of the group. “We will of course take into account the willingness of many other countries, and there are about thirty of them, to join BRICS in one form or another in its multi-faceted programme. To this end, we will actively work to develop the rules for a new category of BRICS partner countries.”
“Overall, Russia will continue its efforts to promote the full range of partnership cooperation within the BRICS in three key areas: politics and security, economy and finance, cultural and humanitarian contacts,” he noted.
Putin announced that Moscow will strive, among other things: to increase the coordination of the common foreign policy of the participating countries and the common foreign policy, as well as cooperation in the fields of economics and innovation. He also spoke of the desire to “increase the role of BRICS in the international monetary and financial system, develop interbank cooperation and expand the use of national currencies in mutual trade.”
Source: Do Rzeczy

Roy Brown is a renowned economist and author at The Nation View. He has a deep understanding of the global economy and its intricacies. He writes about a wide range of economic topics, including monetary policy, fiscal policy, international trade, and labor markets.