“We cannot accept.” Urgent warning from German bishops

German bishops warn against right-wing parties. This group also included the Alternative for Germany (AfD).

Six bishops responsible for dioceses in eastern Germany have issued an urgent warning against right-wing populist parties, especially the Alternative for Germany (AfD). “Human dignity is inviolable, and parties that question this principle cannot present any alternative,” the bishops write. The reason for issuing a joint appeal is the growing tension in society in connection with plans for mass ‘re-emigration’ of foreigners residing in Germany.

Re-emigration in Germany?

Plans to expel foreigners and even “unassimilated German citizens” were made during a secret meeting in one of Potsdam’s hotels by AfD politicians and representatives of other far-right and neo-Nazi associations. After being revealed by the German media, many politicians have reiterated that such “plans are reminiscent of the darkest chapters of German history,” and tens of thousands of people have taken to the streets of German cities calling for the banning of the AfD party .

The bishops whose dioceses are located in the eastern states, i.e. Berlin, Dresden, Erfurt, Magdeburg, Görlitz and Hamburg, also appealed not to “be fooled by populist statements and apparently simple solutions.” human rights, democracy, the rule of law and a pro-social market economy have brought peace and prosperity to Germany.

“We therefore make it clear that in the light of our own conscience we cannot accept the position of extreme parties such as the Third Way, the Heimat Party or the AfD,” the German bishops wrote.

State elections will be held in Brandenburg, Saxony and Thuringia in the autumn. The AfD party is currently the leading political force there.

Source: Do Rzeczy
