It has never been said that we have no logistical resources: Colonel Urrea

As a result of the controversy that has arisen in some sectors due to the situation in the Atlantic Police about the technological equipment borrowed from other departments to fight crime, the Colonel Jhon Jairo Urrea, The commander of the department-level institution clarified the situation.

Also read: $130 billion is needed to strengthen Atlco’s police capabilities.

In dialogue with El Heraldo, the colonel pointed out that the issue was “misinformed” because it involves “coordination” with other organizations.police units and “some of them already have signal detection and tracking equipment.” He explained that, for example, these devices are expensive and require a qualified person to operate them, and therefore they must order them from specialized units. central level“not so much to other departments,” he explained.

“For example, if Dijín or specialized units at the central level want to carry out procedures in those units, we benefit because the central level has that equipment and we borrow it to do our work with signals. That doesn’t mean we do that. I have nothing to work with. They said that the department only has two trucks and two motorcycles to work with (…) At no point was it said that we do not have the logistics resources. We do have the logistical and technological resources, and specialized subjects that are not really available throughout the country and “There are some units that they have. I used Cartagena as an example, but often they lend us from other parts of the country, taking taking into account the availability at the central level.”

In this sense, he reiterated that the department has all the logistical resources to operate.

Likewise, the Colonel told this medium that what happened before the Departmental Meeting was to project what operational plans the institution has and what results have been achieved so far. “(We propose) what we need to optimize the service, not to build a police service as they want to make it seem, as if we have to start from scratch, but to really optimize it and continue to guarantee that work efficiently and effectively,” he emphasizes.

He also highlighted the results achieved in the department: “If we had such poor resources, we would not have achieved the results we had last year, as we are the department in the Caribbean that has the most reduction in the number of murders” argument.

‘I said that sometimes we had to borrow listening devices from departments such as Bolívar or Magdalena, that is, as such, a coordination between specialized police units that suddenly find themselves in those places, as found in Santander, in Tolima, Ibagué, in the Amazon as found everywhere in the country,” Colonel Urrea explained.

Source: El heraldo
