Pain and much astonishment caused among passers-by by the accidental death of a driver from the Coolitoral company, who identified himself as Miguel Alfonso Navarro Ferrer, during events that took place on the morning of this Sunday, January 28, near the Transport Terminal , in the municipality of Soledad .
Witnesses indicated that Navarro Ferrer was standing in front of the door of the commercial vehicle, with license plate TZL-265 and internal number 402, holding onto a handle when he lost his balance and fell onto the road.
The version used is that the bus driver tried to avoid a motorcycle crossing the road to avoid an accident, but dropped his colleague.
The people also pointed out that the same rear tires of the bus caused serious injuries to the man’s head, killing him instantly.
Apparently, the driver was on his way to his workplace and took the opportunity of the other colleague to get to the facilities of one of the snowfalls of the collective public transport company.
Source: El heraldo

John Cameron is a journalist at The Nation View specializing in world news and current events, particularly in international politics and diplomacy. With expertise in international relations, he covers a range of topics including conflicts, politics and economic trends.