The twilight of old celebrations

In Germany the former parties are losing importance. However, their alternative AfD also loses. It is also being eaten away by new forces.

Until recently, Germany was considered the most politically stable country in Europe. This year, however, the Federal Republic has entered into a free struggle that could lead to a complete revolution on the political scene in Berlin and Brussels, and initially also in the three German states in the east.

The situation is further complicated by the fact that last week new actors appeared on the political scene and, as polls show, they have a real chance to make their mark – these are the Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance (BSW) and Werte Union (WU ), i.e. the Union of Values, led by stands Hans-Georg Maassen.


There are many indications that in Germany we will face a phenomenon that previously affected other major EU countries, including: France and Italy. The socialist and conservative parties that had governed these countries alternately for decades disappeared or were marginalized. The same was the case in Germany, where the Christian Democrats governed alternately with the Socialists and chose smaller coalition partners in the form of the Greens or the liberals of the FDP. The first signs of a crisis appeared during the previous term of the Bundestag, when the two largest and oldest political parties, which had been embroiled in a political dispute for decades, were forced into the so-called Grand Coalition of CDU/CSU/SPD. The largest opposition faction has become the Alternative for Germany (AfD).

Source: Do Rzeczy
