Problems of representation and deliberation in Mexican democracy | Article by Mario Luis Fuentes

Mario Luis Fuentes.

Modern democracy is based on the principles of pluralism, inclusion and respect for the rights of minorities. In this sense, the Congress of the Union of Mexico, as a legislative body and as a body of popular representation, has the duty to reflect these characteristics of Mexican society in order to ensure that its decisions reflect the social, political and cultural diversity of the country.

The importance of a pluralistic and inclusive Congress is particularly relevant in the context of the government that will be led by Claudia Sheinbaum, the first woman to hold the presidency of Mexico. In a democratic system, pluralism and inclusiveness are fundamental values. Plurality means the presence and recognition of different opinions, beliefs and groups in the decision-making process, while inclusiveness ensures that all groups, especially traditionally marginalized ones, have the opportunity to participate and be heard.

In Mexico, the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States establishes in its Article 1 that all persons shall enjoy the human rights recognized in it and in the international treaties to which the Mexican state is a party. Likewise, Article 35 establishes the right of citizens to vote in popular elections, and Article 41 emphasizes the organization of free and authentic elections as the guiding principle of the electoral system. These principles reinforce the need for Congress to be a space where all voices are heard and the rights of minorities are respected.

Plurality in Congress is not only a question of numerical representation, but also of the quality of debate. A truly pluralistic and inclusive Congress should allow for open and constructive debates in which all points of view are considered and decisions are made based on appropriate diagnoses and a thorough analysis of the consequences that decisions will have for all sectors of society. society.

Respect for minority rights is necessary to avoid the tyranny of the majority, where decisions are made solely on the basis of the interests of the majority groups, ignoring the needs and rights of the least represented. To ensure a fair legislative process, Congress must implement mechanisms to ensure the active participation of minorities and the consideration of their views in the development of not only laws but also public policies and budgets for public programs.

As the new main leader of the largest party movement that has existed in Mexico in recent decades, Claudia Sheinbaum brings with her a number of expectations and challenges to the country’s political structure. His ascension to the presidency could represent significant progress in terms of inclusivity and gender equality in Mexican politics if he truly achieves the integration of gender, childhood, and non-discrimination issues into all national institutional and programmatic frameworks. However, beyond its leadership and the legitimacy gained through historic votes at the ballot box, Congress must continue to be an effective counterweight and inclusive space for debate, regardless of the party in power.

In the context of the Sheinbaum government, it is essential that both the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate not only act as spaces for the approval and support of executive policies, but also play an active role in overseeing and formulating policies that reflect the diversity of Mexican society. This includes a clear commitment to protecting the rights of minorities and implementing policies that promote social and economic equality; as well as state control through new and more effective mechanisms for monitoring the state budget.

Thus, the work that the new legislative body must undertake faces at least the following problems:

  1. Widespread context of political polarization. In an increasingly polarized political environment, Congress faces the challenge of bridging partisan divides and creating space for genuine and constructive dialogue.
  2. Discrimination and Inequality: Mexico is a country with widespread human rights deficiencies, largely due to the persistence of both discrimination and inequality in all its forms and dimensions. Congress must address these issues through inclusive policies that promote social justice, but above all by restoring human rights programs that were shelved under the López Obrador administration.
  3. Corruption and Transparency: Corruption remains a serious and deep problem in Mexican politics. An inclusive and pluralistic Congress must also be transparent and accountable to citizens from the outset, both for its actions and for the rationality of its decisions; but above all, it must be an effective counterweight to state control, which we still lack. In this sense, it must strengthen the Supreme Audit Office of the Federation, giving it new capacities for oversight, evaluation and accountability of the Government of the Republic, the States and the municipalities.

In the opposite sense, the Mexican Congress has at least the following possibilities:

  1. Political Reform: The arrival of President Sheinbaum could be an opportunity to advance political reforms that would strengthen democracy and rebuild the social contract that has been eroded for years.
  2. Empowering groups living in poverty and historical inequality. The Sheinbaum government can advance policies that empower women, indigenous peoples and communities, and other marginalized groups by ensuring their representation in Congress and at other levels of government.
  3. Legislative Innovation: By adopting a genuine political pluralism approach, Congress can adopt innovative methods of citizen participation, such as public consultations and open forums for debate, that allow us to hear each other more and enable us to reconcile and defend just positions, regardless of the logic of the dominant political and economic power in the country.

Researcher at PUED-UNAM

Source: Aristegui Noticias
