Jorge Alcocer V.
Subject to confirmation, the legislature of the LXVI Congress of the Union has already taken its place in the legislative history of Mexico: it was it that approved most of the reforms of the Constitution in the shortest possible time, leaving unrecognizable the already forged text, the origin of which dates back to 1917.
Turning 4T into a pressure cooker, the Union Congress approved changes that apparently lack order and coherence. However, the common denominator of everything approved is the desire and whim of former President López Obrador to lay the foundations for his permanence in power, the future of his heirs and loyalty to what they call their “legacy.” Moreover, the retelling of adopted constitutional changes is dominated by improvisation, which is the other side of ignorance. They introduced events into the Constitution that gave meaning to the vague and confusing election proposal that the top leader and the incumbent president put forward during the election campaign. Plan C was a container that contained equal parts destruction of the judicial system and a ban on the use of e-cigarettes. Irrationality in politics has a rational meaning: maintaining power.
Perhaps the constitutional reform initiatives introduced on February 5, 2024 by López Obrador had no greater intention or meaning at the time than to dominate the campaign debate. Dictate the script to your heir and impose it, thanks to the subordination of the media, to public opinion. Anyone perusing the opinion and analysis columns between the first week of February and the week before the June election will be able to see that the former president achieved his goal. Although it is very likely that even he himself did not believe that he could achieve approval for his delusions.
Everything changed when the INE granted permission and the TEPJF confirmed the unconstitutional over-representation in favor of Morena and its two satellites in San Lazaro.
This was the trigger for what we have experienced since September 1, 2024. Obtaining, through pressure, blackmail and bribes, the votes that 4T lacked to achieve a qualified majority in the Senate was almost child’s play. For this purpose, the three oppositions contributed their quota. The first blow of 4T was the approval of the so-called “judicial reform”. A monument to the unreason and madness of uncontrolled power. The council members and election judges who confirmed the abuses are now mourning their consequences.
The whirlpool of constitutional changes has become a hurricane that has already devastated the judicial system, led to the militarization of the National Guard, erased most autonomous bodies from the institutional map, and expanded the list of crimes for which ex officio preventive detention can be applied. , expands the purchase and coercion of votes through social programs, turns the Constitution into a false Criminal Code.
We are witnessing and suffering an accelerated process of institutional disintegration in which even basic forms of civility between authorities, and on the part of the government and the ruling party towards its opponents, are abandoned, giving way to impoliteness, insults and even vulgarity. Incidents of physical violence occur daily in both chambers. The president governs, looking at his people in everything. The rest of us do not exist, or we are classified as opponents.
In 10 weeks the Constitution was mutilated. They went so far as to approve what they knew in advance was poorly written or controversial.
This mode of legislative activity, which many years ago Porfirio Muñoz Ledo complained about in flowery vocabulary, is now the rule of conduct of the 4T legislative forces in both houses, as well as in the local legislatures in which they dominate. They set a record for obedience and speed in carrying out presidential orders. They compete for the gold medal of humiliation. I am not surprised by the monolithic discipline demonstrated by the 4T legislators. It’s in their DNA. But I must clarify that we are not returning to the days of PRI hegemony. This is much worse. This is something different.
4T built a parallel reality in just 14 weeks, but the truth will ultimately prevail. They jeopardized the stability of the economy. Much of the element that gave private investment credibility has disappeared. During the same period, the peso depreciated by more than 20 percent. Nobody takes the government’s economic forecasts seriously. Next year will be a year of recession. Unfortunately for Mexico and the world, 2025 begins on January 20th when a wolf strikes our border. 4T is so fragile that such an impact could destroy it.
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Source: Aristegui Noticias
John Cameron is a journalist at The Nation View specializing in world news and current events, particularly in international politics and diplomacy. With expertise in international relations, he covers a range of topics including conflicts, politics and economic trends.