If there is life after the death of Nafta-Tmek | Article by Alberto Vizkarra Ozun

Alberto Vizkarra Ozun.

The statement called “Text” contains two related facts: the likely death of NAFTA-TMEC and the belief that, if this happens, the commercial life between Mexico, the United States and Canada will not end. On the contrary, this may be the opportunity to rethink commercial and economic relations between these countries that can use their sovereign abilities, regulating the financial sector so that it ceases to be a parasitic burden on commercial relations.

The government of Dr. Claudia Shainbaum should cover the moment and recognize this opportunity. Lost the time when he devotes this to that he apologizes to NAFTA-TMEC and claims to be as an agreement that benefits three countries. He acts as a rope lawyer who hung the national economy and expands the capabilities of the financial elite, whose speculative profit grew excessively, while the population as a whole loses consumption, the national industry disappears, and the agricultural sector descends to unexpected levels, followed by recovery. In import.

In the face of the Donal Trump Donal controls to promote TMEC review, the Mexican government must collect this impulse and put on the table, and not the control of this or what value, and the axiom of the origin in which he withstood, said the commercial scheme: keep Mexico as the economy of the rear supplier cheap labor (Maquiilas), the territory of the Assembly in the company’s transfer scheme to satisfy the consumption of the United States and the use of financial elites in the Wall Stretz and London Field Pure Neocolonialism.

Trump is a businessman who makes him blind in the face of solving economic problems. He measures all the money, under his gaze, success and failure are suitable for cash flows, he does not understand that the productive social dynamics should be saved among nations in order to make the coexistence viable, with common goals and mutual advantages. His idea to make the United States again does not leave the premise of Freembista, which others need to be done to achieve this.

With this leased approach, he intends to restore companies that have moved to cheap work. That is why it threatens tariff packages and promotes TMEC review, while claims to reduce Mexico export and that they have a larger component of the US input, forcing Mexico to import more and thereby reduce the commercial deficiency of the United States. In accordance with this vision, the alleged restoration of companies in North America will be supported in a greater reduction in the productive abilities of Mexico.

Trump’s scheme will aggravate problems, which, according to her statement, solves mainly among migrants. The further reduction of the productive abilities of Mexico is to force its inhabitants in search of jobs in the north. And to seal the border in order to prevent their entry, it is to condemn them to suffering and put them in a silver charo in gangs of organized crime. The new arrival of Trump to the United States government is undoubtedly an anomaly; a unambiguous symptom of contempt for the American population with a “liberal institution”; This is the birth of time, this is a phenomenon that accuses the inferiority of the existing one, but this does not contain an alternative to a new order that is required.

This does not comply with the Mexican government to apologize to TMEC, the country most affected by the imposition of this commercial scheme. Before the exorbitant impulse of the one who breaks the crystals of the impossible order, it is not reasonable to defend what did not work anymore. It is time for Dr. Shanbaum to include the fact that we are in the process of changing the phase, whose turbulence accuses the impossibility of returning to the order that caused it. Difert Oper-TMEC is a symptom of this.

If it is recognized that in the shadow of NAFTA-TMEC, the financial sector was privileged according to commercial commercial data, then in Mexico and the United States, since the sovereign countries would establish the corresponding regulatory tools in the financial sector and conclude agreements. The joint process of industrialization and technological development with the ability to create millions of jobs, which, thus, facilitates the best problem of migration.

Despite the dark moments of the relations of Mexico and the United States, there are also referents of greater communication between interests. Intensive development efforts concentrated on energy infrastructure, water and health will create tens of millions of productive and well -paid jobs in both countries. Joint agreements can be concluded for large hydraulic infrastructure projects aimed at improving ecosystems, which is currently dominated by the Great American desert, separated by both countries. This is the case of the hydraulic plan of Nawap Northwest (Pathino), which will transfer the water from the middle part of the naorite to the Northern Sinaloa and Southern Sonor. In addition, in connection with the reactivation of the industrial capacities of North America, the export policy of capital goods may be launched, which contributes to the interrupted process of industrialization of Mexico.

With these approaches, we should relate to Trump, and Dr. Sheinbaum has the opportunity to do this to establish relations between Mexico and the United States, an example of fair relations between the peoples of the North with the Global South. The goal is now flying with BRICS. As good economists advise: we should not shed a rupture in order to get the possible death of Nafta Tmek.

From the Yaki Valley, Syudad Obragon, Sonora on January 29, 2025

Source: Aristegui Noticias
