Russian attack on Mariupol maternity hospital; Civilian casualties rise World news 10-3-2022 – What’s on Netflix –

That’s on the front pages of the international media Thursday, March 10, 2022.


New York Times

The hospital has been hit by an increase in attacks on civilians
Russia attacked motherhood; Many prisoners in besieged cities

The Washington Post

The attack in Russia took place in a maternity hospital
17 injured as concerns over civilian casualties mount


Country / Spain

Terrible Attack on Motherhood
Mariupol hospital was bombed during the ceasefire

Guardian / United Kingdom

‘Genocide’: Russia bombs children’s hospital in Ukraine
Zelensky calls for no-fly zone again after explosion left patients in ruins

Latin America

Page 12 / Argentina

Under pressure
A deal with the IMF to refinance a Makri debt to gain the support of a majority of lawmakers, the government accepted opposition pressure and negotiated a single text to be presented and defended by Vice-Chancellor Guzmán .

Peruvian trade

Parliament will decide today whether Castillo’s vacancy will be considered
This is the second petition in the seven-month period

Source: La Neta Neta
