“The man who assaulted my daughter is walking free and stalking us”

That’s Ariza Sarut’s alias, according to what the authority showed in the recent wanted poster.

According to the complainant, the suspect took the young woman to a house, locked her up and mistreated her.

Carmen pointed out that on December 31, she ran to look for hospitals to treat her daughter, because of the… injuries suffered: “They wouldn’t accept me until we got to the… Adelita from Charwhere she was hospitalized for four days. There they took the exams and everything that came with it.

After what had happened, the woman arrived at the… URI of the Public Prosecution Service in downtown Barranquilla to charge the man. She said that after her tenant, the mother of the alleged aggressor, found out she was “offering her money”, but she did not accept it and assured that she would take the matter to the last.

She later moved to another apartment with her four children and continued the process. The minor has been assessed and taken to: psychology† while his perpetrator was still on the street.

“After that we got intimidation, mainly through publications in social media where they posted photos of my daughter laughing at her and expressing barbarity,” said Carmen.

He entered my house. The humiliating messages and threats against him did not cease, as did the attempts at aggression.

It was in the early hours of September 2, 2021 that Carmen was sleeping when around 3:00 am she suddenly remembered that the room was dark, but in the shadows she saw the silhouette of a dark-skinned man in a military green. jacket .

“I pretended to be asleep and waited for her to leave the room, I already had a cell phone, an electronic tablet and a million pesos that I grabbed there. When he came out I took a mirror I had in the living room and hit him with it, he fell and then ran away; at that point I could see who it was,” said the woman, assuring it was the same person who was exposing her daughter’s case.

She said a taxi was waiting outside the new address for alias Pachi Loco to escape: “What he stole from me amounts to more than $2 million, which wasn’t enough to replace the two televisions he already had. had disassembled to take along.”

This second episode, which affected the family, was also brought to the attention of the persecution.

“I’m a house keeping mom, I’ve been through this myself, when I go to work I’m aware of the cameras, I call my kids all day and the truth is I live a daily fear. I didn’t even send them to school because with the threats I’d rather they lose the year than their lives.”

Most wanted. Ariza Sarut was imprisoned during Holy Week and sent to the URI of the Public Prosecution Service by the authorities.

It was on April 15 when General Luis Hernández Aldana, commander of the Metropolitan Police of Barranquilla, referred to several arrests made on that date, referring to the alias crazy pachiwho, according to the officer, would be prosecuted for the crime of violent carnal access.

Carmen thought the torment was over until she arrived to find that the man was no longer in the facilities of the Prosecution Service’s Immediate Response Unit, where he had been taken after the arrest.

“They released him because of poor police procedure,” they told the woman.

On May 3, he appeared in the most wanted posterindicating that the authorities are after him.

“I didn’t know he had a history of carrying guns, drugs, a fight and those things, and what I’m really asking the authorities is that they don’t let the case go, I don’t want to be one of the women who have killed because I am the livelihood of my home and my children,” concluded Carmen.

*Name changed for security.

Source: El heraldo
