More complaints to the judiciary for discrimination –

Last year, the Public Prosecution Service again handled more discrimination reports. This is in response to a report on discrimination figures and explanations. In 2021, there were 485 cases of suspected discrimination. That is 76 more than in 2020. Even then there was an increase.

In 157 cases it concerned specific discrimination, in most cases (73%) it concerned collective insults. In the other 328 cases, discrimination played a role. This often included insulting a person (72%).

The Public Prosecution Service also reports that many other cases of discrimination based on a person’s sexual orientation have been registered. In 2020 there were still 94 reports, last year the number rose to 142. Most recordings took place at the Amsterdam public prosecutor’s office.

Corona epidemic

The public prosecutor cites several examples in the report. In many cases, the corona measures played an important role again last year. Store employees, GGD and security officers regularly collided with people who did not want to comply with the measures.

Justice cites, among other things, a case in which a customer verbally abused a colored employee of the store and said that he “does not appreciate the way a black person (his) speaks”. During the conversation with the customer, the employee was told that the shopping cart is mandatory. The customer was fined 250 euros.

Source: NOS
