OAS “agreed” to turn gangs into political party: Bukele

The President of El Salvador, Nayib Bukeleposted on Twitter this Sunday that the Organization of American States (OAS) allegedly “agreed” a plan to turn the gangs into a political party.

“The gangs didn’t think we already knew they were going to try to evolve into a guerrilla,” the president said.

According to Bukele, this plan was “proposed” by Raúl Mijango, the main mediator in a truce between the gangs between 2012 and 2014, to the government of Mauricio Funes (2009-2014) and his party. Front Farabundo Martic for the National Liberation (FMLN), who would have “accepted” it.

President Bukele claimed, without revealing evidence, that “the OAS agreed”.

Bukele was part of the FMLN and headed the mayoral offices of Nuevo Cuscatlán and the capital San Salvador under his banner. This party expelled him in 2017.

Source: El heraldo
