GPs not sufficiently prepared for new corona wave

GPs believe that the app does little to prepare healthcare for a new corona wave. Several sector organizations write this in a letter to Minister Kuipers of Public Health.

Kuipers presented his long-term vision on the corona virus last week. “There is no urgency in the ministry’s leadership plans,” the associations write in the letter. The majority of the House of Representatives also strongly criticized the minister’s plan.

Practitioners point out that the number of corona infections has increased again and a new wave is expected in the autumn. This has consequences for the care pressure in hospitals. Associations fear that in this situation further care will be on the plate of the GP. This was also the case in previous corona waves.

The National Association of General Practitioners and the Dutch Association of General Practitioners say: “Numbers and their employees have been on their toes for a while, absenteeism is still high. Still, a lot is expected of them.”

For this reason, according to GPs, a choice must be made about the activities to be canceled in the event of a new wave. The associations ask the government to communicate clearly about this. “Because it is not possible to keep everything up in the air during strong pollution waves.”

insufficient money

Plans to monitor patients at home must become more concrete, also pointing to associations. According to GPs, the ideas of expert groups presented by the minister as a solution for a new wave have proved ineffective. The long-term approach should focus on solutions that visibly work.

The associations also say that more money is needed if a new wave of pollution breaks out in the country. The current budget for regular maintenance will not be sufficient to cope with the resurgence of the virus.

Source: NOS
