The Pope ‘pulls the ears’ of German Catholics

“Not in such a hurry,” Francis tells the German bishops, because the Holy See cannot do it so quickly. And everything refers to the Synodal Path, which Pope Francis suggested to the Catholic Church in 2021, to conclude in the Vatican in 2023.

The haste of the German Church interferes with the adoption of new forms of government and new provisions of Catholic doctrine and morals, such as the female diaconate, the end of compulsory celibacy for diocesan priests, the participation of the faithful in the appointment of bishops and the “decriminalization of homosexuality”.

Like someone pulling his ears, Francis told the president of the German bishops that “two evangelical churches are not needed. One is enough and the other is very good.” Francis does not want the unity of the Catholic Church to be broken, as happened with Luther’s Reformation five centuries ago.

Catholic Germany, boasting of its avant-garde parchments, with the largest number of Catholic theologians in Europe and with a vigorous ecclesiology, will not have welcomed this reminder of Rome, which will only irritate Catholics in Protestant circles.

Source: TSF
