They find the body of the 17-year-old who disappeared in the Magdalena River

The young man had missing last Saturday after entering the Magdalena River accompanied by two of his friends with whom, according to his family, he walked from Costa Hermosa, Soledad, to Pennsylvania Island to bathe in said sector.

Witnesses said the teen, who apparently could not swim, was swept away by the current and failed to surface. The search for the body began that morning, and day after day, his relatives found themselves where he had been last seen.

It turned out that fishermen this Friday the dead body in advanced state of decomposition and brought him to the sector of siap. The authorities arrived there, as did his relatives, and they recognized Juan David because of some of the tattoos he had on his chest.

THE HERALDO could talk to his mother, Adriana Ospino, who insisted: “They called me around 10 a.m. to tell me and yes, it was my pelaito. We have already taken him to Forensic Medicine to continue the process.”

Source: El heraldo
